Urban Grunge

Yo! What’s good? So its an Outfit Post if you haven’t guessed, and i’m really excited about this one because it features two items that I thrifted and so I feel so proud about it. If you were here when i first started blogging on this URL the grunge post was one of my faves […]

Rafia Bag DIY

Hi guys, I’m writing this post from my bed with a cold that doesn’t want me to be great. However,i wanted to make sure i put up this post for you guys. So let’s get into it. For more than a year now, the rafia bag, clutch, purse has been trending and making its way […]

Fave Naija Fashion/ Lifestyle Blogger Babes

Hi guys!!!! I’m back. I took a four week leave of absence from the blog, to get my self together and breathe some air. I won’t go into details but i was beginning to crack under the pressure and i needed this break. But I’m back and i’m better (ish). This is the the second […]