Afrohemian in London…

Hello, hello, hello! London fashion is impractical to say the least. This post is a personal style post that shows the most impractical thing an Afrohemian would wear  in London. Basically Afrohemian fashion. I’m back against all odds. It’s been a crazy week. However this post and how I got this images for this post […]

Being Touristy – Natural History Museum, London

Hello, hello, hello! It’s awesome to back on here. So I’ve been in London for two weeks now and have been incredibly busy while being incredibly worried that I cannot create content that I’ve planned for you guys only because I’ve never used a tripod and self shot and I don’t want to waste my […]

Beauty Through the Pain- Nigerian Bloggers for Breast Cancer.

Its October, its breast cancer awareness month and all month long various organizations and individuals have been talking about breast cancer, some even detailing their personal experiences with the disease. A few Nigerian Bloggers from Abuja, Lagos and Ibadan as led by the beautiful Larisa of Larisa Le Fleur and Winifred Atusue have come together to […]

Ankara and Mickey

Hello, hello, hello, Welcome to my blog space, however tiny it might be, I’m practically dancing in my seat that you’re here. After a major dance session, let’s get into today’s post. Today’s outfit post has two things , no scratch that three things I love, which are Thrift gems, Ankara and Mickey mouse. So […]